all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 7AB 24 0 51.642658 0.603672
CM3 7AD 18 0 51.64259 0.602642
CM3 7AE 51 0 51.641591 0.601877
CM3 7AF 36 0 51.640596 0.598885
CM3 7AG 19 0 51.640781 0.601527
CM3 7AH 53 0 51.640304 0.60069
CM3 7AJ 15 0 51.638616 0.604221
CM3 7AL 18 0 51.639241 0.597522
CM3 7AN 10 0 51.63973 0.601857
CM3 7AP 5 0 51.635268 0.609593
CM3 7AQ 13 0 51.641234 0.602564
CM3 7AR 65 0 51.635398 0.608228
CM3 7AS 15 0 51.635312 0.611692
CM3 7AT 1 1 51.643375 0.616289
CM3 7AU 42 0 51.634805 0.610188
CM3 7AW 50 0 51.639236 0.600614
CM3 7AY 19 0 51.634556 0.60805
CM3 7AZ 12 0 51.634339 0.6085
CM3 7BB 51 0 51.64213 0.601112
CM3 7BD 28 0 51.642621 0.60088